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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sentinel Cedars

I love these two tall cedars - the sentinels that greet you when you drive up to my house. Once I thought of trying to grow one of those Lady Banks climbers up into them, thinking they might join overhead. The thought of an archway of cascading fragrant roses filled me with such romantic thrill. How fortunate I found out I don't like the scent of Lady Banks, because I did let a large red rambler grow up into another cedar tree and it just dragged that poor tree to the ground. I have lots of cedar trees, so the loss of one is not so sad but the loss of either of these would be a tragedy!

But what's this between my two watchtowers?  Yes! It's the last quarter moon! Still bright even though dawn is probing ever westward.

 Now that's an image - Doesn't that moon look saucy? As if it would turn and wink at you any moment now. My mother used to sing me a song about the Man in the Moon, who winked his eye and had dozens of good dreams to sell dear little girls and boys. I sing it to my story hour children sometimes ... when I have a voice ... which is not this week.

Knitting? Oh. Well. More Inches of stockinette in thinck'n'thin yarn. Actually, I'm getting to the point where I will have to decide what the edge treatment will be - got to do something about all that stockinette curl. I am thinking seed stitch because I like how that looks, but seed stitch widens your knitting and I don't want that. I could make a few judicious decreases though ... Or I could just make it easy on myself and do garter stitch. But this kind of pondering is what makes the time fly when you are knitting, or when you can't get to sleep at night. This is part of the fun of it all.

Okay - almost time for breakfast. Ta. Photos of the Happy Chanel Jacket soon. 

1 comment:

  1. I love all you meandering and ruminating about your part of the world. We have some lovely places too, but not around here. Mostly it's condos and asphalt. Those cedars are magnificent.

    I vote for seed stitch. I think the yarn calls for it. All those little bumps cf color! Just decrease a bit and you'll be fine.
