It suddenly dawned on me that I have
put off writing up my trip journal because I don't want the visit to end.
It's as if once it's written down the trip is over and that paper
becomes the sum total of the memories. I suspect that's why I never
did write about Jack - his death was so untimely, so unprepared for,
I just couldn't write about it or he would be completely gone.
Ah well. If I don't write things down
now I will begin to forget them and that's just another way of
loosing the trip. We were off to Romania - for a church blessing of the marriage of LD and P - who, though they have been married for almost 2 years, have not been officially blessed - nor sent off in true glorious wonderful Romanian style. Though we knew it was coming for a year, it somehow always felt too ephemeral to believe in - that we would actually get on a plane and fly across the Atlantic and most of Europe to a land where I didn't speak the language and .. LOL .. was not TheQueen! My biggest fear was that I would remain a quiet little dab of a thing in the corner if I couldn't talk. I should have known better. TheQueen is going to speak no matter where she is. Not being understood never seemed to matter much and 100% of the kind people in this lovely country were patient and generous with me. TheQueen is in love.
But if I want to hold on to the memories it is time to begin - and begin with Thursday, Sept. 3,
2015 at 12:45 - at the airport in Richmond - Gate B2 - ready to fly
to Cluj and Turda and P and LD. We are way early because it
is I, Bess the Early.
Which is good since it took us 45
minutes to check in. At the security check I didn't have my drivers
license. I had figured with a passport, what other I.D. did I need?
But! I hadn't signed the passport.
"I'm not supposed to let you in if
you haven't signed it." the check in lady told me, but she also
handed me a pen. My first adventure. BD did have his drivers license
but he also had notice to sign that passport and time to do it, too.
The flight to Newark was made thrilling
for me by early views of home - from thousands of feet up - we saw
the Pamunkey, the Mattaponi, the Rappahannock - LD even viewed
Lowery's Pt!!! My own excitement was so vivid that the girl across
the aisle from me thanked me, saying that her dread of flying was
eased by my joy. We arrived in Newark at 4:50 with enough time to
dash from the shuttle bus to the terminal and then speed walk to gate
A30 - maybe a quarter of a mile. We got in line for group 3 and
discovered we didn't have to check our rolling carryon.
As we stood in line, who should walk up
but cousin JW! I felt a lot better to be with someone with a phone and
I didn't even care about timetables or connections any more. At that
point I was ready to give it all up to enjoyment. Even if I did have
the anxiety munchies and nibbled all the time. LD is just the
opposite. He had no appetite the whole day.
At 6:06 we took off. I like flying.
Even its discomforts - tight seats, noisy engines - can't dim the
excitement and playful feeling I get when I'm soaring high over the
ground. Once in the air, with the lights of Manhattan behind us, I
suddenly thought of Mama. I haven't spoken about this to anyone, but
the wedding is on the day Mama died. I haven't spoken because people
might think this is a sad thing. But, like sharing her funeral with my
birthday, I like having Mama along - and on this flight I really felt like she was right there with me. I even sensed that Daddy was nearby,
We made our way to the check-in, which
was amazingly easy - all the luggage got here too - our red duffel and
B's massive hard case - a found object he'd had for 25 years and
was only now using. As we waited for our bags, the sliding doors from
baggage claim to the waiting area would part and we saw 4 pair of
arms waving excitedly. This happened several times but at last we
picked up our bags and bundled through the doors to so much hugging
you never saw so much hugging. R is gregarious and strong, a warm
and manly man. M is very tiny and quiet and way prettier than
she photographs. She is a little less chatty but certainly not
withdrawn. She's full of smiles. and of course - there are P and LD to hug and hug and hug.
We tried to get cash at the ATM
machines but neither B's nor our cards worked. No duh - we'd
forgotten to tell our banks that we were abroad. so we piled into
cars and drove to Turda - LD driving B and J, P driving BD and me, and M & R straight home to prepare a welcome
dinner for us tonight.
The houses huddle and snuggle close
together - stucco mostly, with tile roofs. Old style houses have
pitched roofs. Other newer ones look very 1960's square - Paula says
this is the best of 1980's architecture, before communism fell.
The day just piled up with events. Checking
into the Vila Adriano I was surprised to see my first seersucker
sheets - in fact, there was only a bottom sheet and a duvet cover -
in a bright orange seersucker print. Of all the hotels we stayed in,
this one had the most comfortable bed for me - though all of them
were nice. The couple who run the hotel also run a sofa store in the
same building (as well as live in the downstairs apartment) so I'm
not surprised the beds were nice. They have a little boy who was All
Boy - playing with swords and a battery operated car and always
looking with twinkling curiosity at us.
I got a bit of a nap on Friday
afternoon and then LD picked us all up around 4. We drove to the
A's for a massive 3 course dinner of Romanian dishes. Cheese and
salami with a pork breast piece - like a bacon cut - striated, but
boiled and meaty and delicious. There was bread and wine and a plate
of peppers - some hot, some sweet. roasted eggplant spread - Zucasca - and an egg salad type dish - and more wonderful red wine. This was
followed by a broth based soup with peas and sausage. Then came perch
- baked to boiling in the oven, with spices and sweet carrots and a
slightly sweet rice.
The talk flowed. R and M were
warm and fun and everyone was joy filled. There was so much talk you
would never guess we didn't speak the same language. R showed us
photos from their family album - the one with pictures of both his
and M's parents as well as pictures of them as young people - R in his army uniform, M in her college class. their
apartment is small but compact and put together a lot like a boat -
where no space is wasted. I was able to use their land line (with
unlimited overseas minutes) to call our bank and let them know we
were in Romania so we could get cash. Later that evening BD and the
guys walked home from the A's and BD got some money. I was
driven back to the hotel where I got a marvelous night's sleep - 10
glorious hours - and was never tired or "off" the whole
rest of the trip. (unlike adjusting to home - where here, on Sunday
the 20th, I'm still falling asleep at 8 and waking up at 4:30).
And so day one of this amazing trip
closed with sweet dreams.
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